For your convenience, we have built all processes as simple, transparent and comfortable as possible

Мы знакомимся с задачей
Задаем уточняющие вопросы, анализируем, при необходимости корректируем

You handle a task
Well, for example — “I want to invest 150,000 USD. What options are possible and how much can I earn?”

Вы знакомитесь со стратегией
Выбираете варианты и мы договариваемся о показах

Display objects online/offline
You don't need to go anywhere. We go to video-conference with you and visually show.


You choose the final option
And we start the negotiation process to get the best conditions for you.


We get to know the task
We ask clarifying questions, analyze, and adjust if necessary.

Let’s get acquainted with the agreement and we make a deposit
Together with you, we check the developer’s contract and pay a deposit — usually this takes no more than 2 weeks.


We develop personal strategy
We select promising objects, make calculations —expenses/expenses, profitability, etc. etc. And we send it to you.

Conclusion of the main agreement
In the developer office in your personal presence, or remotely, or by us by power of you.


You get to know strategy
Choose options and we agree on showings.


Making payment
If the apartment has already been built and ready for transfer, then you pay its entire cost (in certain situations, not all). If the object is in the construction stage and the agreement stipulates an installment plan —then the first payment. And all subsequent ones according to the schedule.

Depending on the chosen strategy:


If the property was purchased for rental

If the property was purchased for resale

Selecting a management company
We recommend giving preference to large, proven companies. Of course, we will offer options.

We put the property on sale
We do it without obtaining ownership rights. We find a buyer, draw up an assignment agreement, make payment through a lawyer and you get your money

Conclusion of an agreement and receipt of income
You will receive the first money from renting out the property in at least 3 months.
Well and further, according to the schedule approved by the management company.

Acceptance of the apartment
After completion of construction, together with you we accept the apartment from the developer. And we are engaged in registration of ownership rights.

We develop a personal strategy
We select promising objects, make calculations —expenses/expenses, profitability, etc. etc. And we send it to you.
We get acquainted with the agreement and make a deposit
Together with you, we check the developer's contract and pay a deposit - usually this takes no more than 2 weeks.
As you can see, the plan is simple and clear! And most importantly — at each of these stages we are side by and will lead you to your goal.
What do you need to start cooperation and select suitable investment options? Leave your contact details and we will contact you
No registration or spam mailings

Phuket and Bali Investment Property Agency

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